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Auction Assistance 

Purchasing horses at auctions is an art. Potential purchases are evaluated based primarily on their pedigrees, conformation, and temperament. Starblue Consultancy can globally assist you, evaluate and secure a suitable investment at the auctions. Please see below the details of the service.


The Classic service is suitable for sole investors who wish to purchase and race a horse individually. 

We offer our clients the option to choose between one of two payment structures:


1. A conventional flat fee structure based on the purchase price of the horse payable at the time of purchase.

2. A unique and industry-first "No Win, No Fee" service. Clients will not be charged any upfront fee and can instead benefit from our services by forfeiting a percentage ownership share* in the purchased horse. This percentage is based on the purchased price of the thoroughbred.  It is a revolutionary practice and will ensure that we are fully invested in your journey. 

For more information about the  No Win, No Fee & Flat Fee structures please email our office at​

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